Tag Archives: finding biological parents.

Burger King Baby

       After 27 years, a woman is using social media to find the mother that once abandoned her in the Burger King Bathroom. 




Most children that are adopted grow-up wondering what their biological parents were like,why they gave them up, and one day have the hopes of being able to meet them. They pray that agencies and hospitals carry the birth certificates and documentation needed to locate the people that gave them life. 


For Katheryn Deprill, documentation and birth certificates weren’t an option. In 1986 she was found in the bathroom of a local Burger King located in Allentown, PA. She was adopted by a wonderful family, who gave her the life her biological mother knew she couldn’t. 

27 years later, and Katheryn is ready to find the mother who gave her life. Trying to figure out how was difficult, because Katheryn never went through an adoption agency. There was no trace of her biological parents, or where she came from. So Katheryn decided to take matters into her own hands and do things the 21st century way… 

Katheryn posted a photo on Facebook indicating who she was, her Burger King story, and how she was trying to locate her biological mother. She hoped her story would be passed around enough that someone would recognize her, and come forward with some information. Little did she know that within a week of the photo being posted it would be shared 27,000 times. 

Katheryn says she isn’t angry at her mother for what she did, but thankful. She says she is very grateful that her mother decided to give her life, even if she knew she wouldn’t be able to raise her. “Number one is, I would really like to say, ‘Thank you for not throwing me away, thank you for giving me the gift of life, and look what I’ve become,'” Deprill said Monday.

No one has come forward yet with information regarding Katheryn and her previous life, but she is still hopeful that with the help of Facebook and its sharing abilities that her story will keep spreading. People believe her biological mother won’t step forward because she is worried of being charged with abandonment. 

Every day our society evolves more and more. Social media sites become more a source of information, and less for entertainment. Because of Facebook terminally ill people have been given support, children have gotten puppies, local issues have turned into national ones, friends have found each other, and maybe a daughter will find her long lost mother. Social media is making things that were once impossible more than possible.